Lightning protection system application
A very usual question during interviews and discussions would be : what are you protecting with your systems ?
It is easily understandable that residential ares, bell towers our industrial sites require protection (all industrialized countries are making protection of industrial estates compulsory). Fewer guess that buildings receiving large public attendance are also protected: hospitals, museum, sport arenas, touristic sites…). And even less mention transport infrastructures such as air ports or ports.
The latest example comes from Central America from our partner Manuel:protection of a port with a Prevectron3 TC Lightning Rod equipped with a remote testing and counting module. Port protection is widely provided for the protection of the dockers and port staffs as well as the equipment. Ports are a privileged “target” for lightning storms, building up over the Ocean and meeting solid ground with sudden temperature differences. It requires specific design, especially for the “grounding” terminations that are actually soak into sea water.
Besides this unusual application, the example also illustrates the unrivaled reliability of the Prevectron3 Early Streamer Emission air terminal and its distant test module: in a super aggressive environment (salty atmosphere) and several discharges (already 3 registered), the lightning rod works perfectly and safely.