Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Prevectron

Belinda Carr, in the USA, is posting technical videos on her YouTube channel on various construction technologies issues: lighting bulbs, pipe protection against frost etc… and the latest one dealing with “Lightning Protection Systems | Franklin vs Prevectron”.
In less than 7 minutes, this very instructive video explains the basics of lightning protection, both internal (installation of Surge Protection Devices) and external ie. the rods installed on the building roof.
Comparing various technologies available in the USA, she emphasizes on the Prevectron advantages compared to the traditional “meshed cage” design : besides the reliability of the Early Streamer Emission air terminal, the installation of such system is also much more affordable. It requires less conductors, less fixings, less earthing pits.
With the current rise of LPS components prices (most of them a copper-made) the Prevectron solution becomes extremely attractive.