Welcome to our Russian speaking visitors on indelec.com

Russia and Russian-speaking countries in Central Europe and Central Asia are representing a very promising business development region for INDELEC group.
These countries are surely not subjected to the same density of lighting activity than the tropical countries. Still, their fast development involves major investments in new infrastructures and industries, ie. more sensitive equipment submitted to lightning threat. Data networks, industrial sites instruments, high rise buildings etc… require reliable and high-performance lightning protection systems.
INDELEC definitely offers the most relevant lightning protection solutions on the Russian markets. Prevectron Early Streamer Emission lightning rods have been installed there for decades with perfect “zero damage” records. Some rods are installed in the Northern part of Russia, submitted to the highest levels of temperature and mechanical stress. Still, the Prevectron demonstrated the highest level of reliability and protection performances.It was also the first ever Early Streamer Emission lightning rod Rostechnadzor certified in Russia.
Thanks to a complete network of passionate partners, all trained in our Lightning Innovation & Research Institute LIRI in France, INDELEC can propose dedicated solutions for lightning protection in this Region.