Lightning protection system design and installation in Irak : an effective and reliable solution

INDELEC partners have proposed a complete lightning protection solutions for a gaz site located in Erbil region, in Irak. Design includes ten early streamer emission lightning rods fixed on 28 to 35 m high poles. Each air terminal is protecting both structures (industrial processing equipment, administrative and technical buildings) as well as the staff working on site outdoor.
Installed for more than 3 years, the lightning protection system proposal also includes a maintenance contract: a highly skilled technical team is regularly visiting the site for inspection, in compliance with the NF C 17 102 : 2011 provisions. That involves earthing termination (resistance measurement), down conductors and lightning rods inspection. The latest are tested using Indelec proprietary tester.
In August 2018, inspection was conducted on site and report forwarded to the client. It underlines the reliability and effectiveness of the lightning protection system:
- No accident due to lightnng on site since the installation of the LPS has been reported.
- 10 out of 10 Early Streamer Emission lightning rods are in perfect working conditions
- One lightning event has been recorded (see lightning event counter), without damage/incident on site.