Lightning protection is not an option, it’s a must !

This is a very common question: why spending money on a lightning protection system whereas the risk is very limited. It’s true, risk is limited… as many other risks that are still taken under consideration either by the law or the users. The precautionary principle prevails. Regulations are making the installation of a lightning protection system compulsory in numerous countries.
But it’s a relief to witness that these systems and related expenses are useful; it works. A protected building struck by lightning will not be affected by the storm: no casualties, no loss of production for a company. The lightning flash counters display the number of discharges received. And the building occupants are sometimes even surprised that their premises has been struck with no damage.
INDELEC India for example is providing maintenance services all over the country. Our engineers are reporting multiples cases of discharges based on counters:

- Swiss Ferring company subsidiary in India has been struck one by lightning since the installation of a Prevectron system in 2010.
- Mangalore Infosys campus has also been struck by lightning (see pictures).
- Lincoln Helios India, a SKF subsidiary located in Bangalore was struck by lightning since the installation of the lightning protection system in 2012.
Pharmaceutical industry, lubricants, IT services… these three industries are all extremely sensitive to lightning damages. Still, none of these three clients has met issue due to these discharges, not reporting any loss / damage.
Far from being a wasted investment, modern lightning protection systems are providing a real safety for investors and owners. Global warning leads to multiplication of extreme weather phenomenons. Lightning probability increases. A professionally designed and installed lightning protection system is not an option, it’s a must.