Indelec team on Saint Symphorien Metz stadium

With global warming worsening, heat waves struck Europe and North America again dusring tis summer 2020, with intense lightning storms striking the headlines. End of august 2020, California faces massive wild fires triggered by thunderstorms and hundreds of lightning impacts.
Buildings and people lightning protection remains more than ever a must. Sport arenas are especially sensitive for two main reasons:
- These arenas attract tens of thousands of fans and spectators. Evacuation of such packed places is a challenge is case of lightning incident (fire, power cut, structure damages, panic…)
- Lightning represents a direct threat for the players themselves (direct lightning discharges, step voltage…)
A very large majority of arenas are therefore protected against lightning ; stadiums, golf courses, pools, circuits etc.. INDELEC has numerous references of installation in France (Marseille Orange Vélodrome stadium or Lyon Groupama Stadium), USA (Cincinnati Great American Ball Park or Las Vegas Allegiant Stadium), in Asia (Japan, Korea, Singapore…),
This example enlights our team capabilities to access the most difficult location, on top of the metallic roof structure of the stadium.