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There are currently 6 results in this directory beginning with the letter L.
Very vibrant flash created by an electrical discharge, intra-clouds, inter-clouds or Cloud to Ground, during a thunderstorm.
Lightning electromagnetic impulse (LEMP)
Electromagnetic effects of lightning current (NF C 17 102 : 2011).
Lightning Flash
Atmospheric originated electrical discharge between cloud and earth consisting of one or more arcs (NF C 17 102 : 2011).
Lightning ground flash density (Ng)
Is the number of lightning flashes per km2 per year. This value is available from ground flash location networks (NF C 17 102 : 2011).
Lightning protection level (LPL)
Number related to a set of lightning current parameter values relevant to the probability that the associated maximum and minimum design values will not be exceeded in naturally occurring lightning (NF C 17 102 : 2011).
Lightning rod
System design and fix on a structure to protect it against direct lightning discharge.
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