ESE national standards are in force and this is in line with the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations
Since 2009, the “lightning experts” are communicating by any available means that the ESE standards are in conflict with the IEC 62 305 serie. As a consequence, they should be removed, the ESE air terminals would then become illegal and Conventional LPS would be the unique acceptable system. The CENELEC already answered extremely clearly in April 2010 to this question but the debate was still on, propagated by the so-called experts.
The CENELEC Director General had recently the opportunity to clarify the position of the European standard body while answering a question from Mr Farhad Rachidi (ICLP President). This answer ends the biased debate definitely: “BT have not ordered to withdraw ESE standards. ESE national standards are in force and this is in line with the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations”.
Access the full document here on Google Docs
Anti ESE lobbyists have failed to prove scientifically or technically that ESE technology is not efficient, and failed politically to convince the CENELEC to withdraw ESE standards. We do hope that we can focus on providing solutions for an efficient, environmentally friendly and cost effective protection against lightning hazards. That is our daily priority rather than arguing on Forums.
For further inquiries, please contact INDELEC or its local representative.