Successful first International Lightning Protection Symposium

The ILPS 2011 has been held in Valencia last week and happened to be a very successful event both in terms of attendance and in terms of quality of discussions and presentations.
More than 80 delegates were representing 25 countries, from Europe, America, Africa and Asia.
30 papers have been presented dealing with a large scope of Lightning Protection issues: surge protection design, grounding, Early Streamer Emission air terminals installation statistics and standards, presentation of specific LPS designs for Stadiums, World Heritage buildings etc…, as well as a strong session on lightning protection physics and experimentation.
All the presentation abstracts shall be soon available on the International Lightning Protection Association (ILPA)
This first appearance was very successfully concluded on Friday 25th of November evening, after two days of intense discussions and scientific exchanges.
The next ILPS shall be organized in 2013 in France